Richard Armitage

Richard Armitage
"In Awe, of ME?" *skeptical look*


Stage 1: Accepting The Condition

So here I go! I have finally decided I needed an outlet for all things Armitage! 

I have had quite an RA filled few months. During this time of "Richardember", I have been lucky enough to see the man himself in The Crucible, watch him In Conversation at The Old Vic, and have participated in the general excitement of him joining Twitter...and then there was that thing with "the beards" *winkwink*...(which I will go on to in more detail a little later, so keep your eyes - and beards, if you're wearing them - peeled!)

I have, in this time, gained exposure to a whole virtual world I never knew existed really - that of Facebook Groups, and of course RA bloggers, who come in many forms and seem a well established part of The Armitage's fandom.

Having experienced these new realms of RA-based reality, I thought it would be nice to create a place where I could share my thoughts and experiences relating to the man himself, especially those which have occurred these past busy few months, so that you might be able to enjoy them too, or, in the very best scenario, be inspired to share your experiences too! 

I look forward to filling this Blog with fun, thoughtfulness and plenty of Armitage, and I hope you enjoy what I have to share :).

To start, here is one of my very favourite pictures of The Armitage himself (I feel like I am being over familiar in calling him "Richard", is that wrong?! hehehe). I think it's a lovely candid shot caught in a moment when he thought no one was watching and shows his ever-blossoming sense of style (that's him reading my blog....aghhh, can you imagine it! *awkward* hehehe)

Enjoy, and look forward to sharing more with you!


  1. Love it! Looking forward to the upcoming posts you've listed- looks exciting!

  2. From Agonistes to Antigone, Welcome to the madhouse. It took me 21 hours to get my first post up. Really looking forward to reading more. Perry ( I don;t think "Perry" comes up when I comment on blogspot.

  3. Welcome to the RA blogosphere from an old timer (Mulubinba) :-)

  4. I'm not sure where my first comment went, but welcome to the RA Blogosphere. I'm an old timer (Mulubinba) :)

  5. Thanks all for your kind comments! I can't wait to get blogging! :) x

  6. Welcome to the world of Richard Armitage blogging. And I must say I am pleased to see you are using Blogger rather than Wordpress (it was getting lonely here).

  7. Hello and welcome :-) so nice to have even more thought to read about Richard :-) fairly new myself too but enjoying it :-) on to reading more posts :-) (sense of style ..'ggg' ;-))
